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25 a 28 de julho
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Centro de Eventos da PUCRS
Porto Alegre — Brasil

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Porto Alegre - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
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Rio Grande do Sul State Commitment to the National Open Data Infrastructure signed today at FISL 13

26 de Julho de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The agreement to join the National Open Data Infrastructure (INDA) was signed by Rio Grande do Sul State yesterday at fisl13.

INDA is the specification to be followed by public parties who wish to disclose data in the Brazilian Open Data Portal. The aim of this regulation is to provide disclosure and publicity of information from the federal administration.

Data are open when they allow their utilization, mining and sharing by any citizen. An example application of open data is the "Where is this happening?", built by Opendata-br.



The INDA signing was carried out by Vera Spolidoro (state Digital Inclusion and communication Secretary), Vinicius Wu (Chief if Staff), Wagner Diniz (W3C Brazil Manager), Juliana Botelho (State Chief of Staff), Corinto Meffe (Federal TI and Management Director), and, following the above picture, Beto Grill (Vice-Governor of Rio Grande do Sul State) representing the State Governor Tarso Genro.

Tags deste artigo: inda open data rio grande do sul