Every year, fisl coverage is built colaboratively in the press room area of the Communication WorkGroup. In that room, professionals, students and enthusiasts brainstorm and produce the content you listen, watch and read during speeches breaks. The infra-structure, which also encompasses the Software Livre TV and Radio studios, is occupied exclusively by volunteers and the good news is that you can register to be a part of this team. In order to join, please send a brief resumé to comunicacao at softwarelivre dot org and let us know what area are you willing to work: TV, Radio, Portal or Social Media.
Volunteers participate in a training before the event, where they can learn more about free software and culture and after they get a certificate, which can be accepted as a complementary activity in most Brazilian universities.
Agenda meetings are carried twice a day, also gathering the press office and photojournalism. The issues covered and the approach are discussed in groups, in a way such as to encourage the deepening of the concepts of freedom and collaboration, basic principles of fisl.
Download here the poster for the call for voluntary work and help spread the news ;)
Journalism, advertising and public relations students, movie makers anf bloggers may be volunteers at fisl13
22 de Junho de 2012, 0:00 - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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