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29 JUN / 02 JUL 2011
Centro de Eventos PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil
Agende-se para o fisl13! De 25 a 28/07/2012

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Tell us your story

marto 18, 2011 0:00 , by Software Livre Brasil - | No one following this article yet.
Viewed 4784 times

fisl is composed of the stories of all the people who have participated in the event over the years, leaving behind a little of their knowledge, donating some of their time, and learning and evolving along with fisl.

This year, we would like fisl participants to help us recount the history of these 12 editions. If you have already visited fisl and have a cool story to tell, if a certain edition or lecture made a special impression on you, or if you met people that really made a difference in your life, send us your story.  We want to publish the fun and interesting stories experienced by past fisl participants here on the site.

To suggest an article, visit or write to thais@softwarelivre.org

Don’t forget to also send in a photo along with the text.