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29 JUN / 02 JUL 2011
Centro de Eventos PUCRS - Porto Alegre - Brasil
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Tela cheia

Free Robotics

8 de Junho de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 5782 vezes

Free Technologies Festival

fisl12' Free Technologies Festival will get together people interested in digital culture, robotics and metarecycling for workshop, discussions, meeting and presentations. Diversity of ideas, materials and thoughts is guaranteed at fisl12.

Free Robotics

Inside a lab assembled at fisl with arduinos and various other materials, participants' creativity will run free. Slots are limited and to register just send e-mail to

It is recommended that participants already have knowledge and basics in programming.

Programme of the Free Robotics Lab:

June, 29
10:00 to 12:00 - The application KTechlab for Simulation of Electronic Circuits for Robotics Projects in Free Education - Danilo Rodrigues César (UFBA)

12:15 to 6 PM - Manufacturing of Printed Circuit Boards with the application KiCad
for Robotics Projects in Free Education - Samy Marcelo Nascimento (UFBA)

June, 30
9:30 to 4 PM - Assembling of low cost sensors using ZigBee and Arduino - Waldir Denver Muniz Meireles (UFV/MG)

4:15 to 6 PM - Utilization of the app Kommander in Free Educational Robotics - Danilo Rodrigues César (UFBA)

July, 1st
9:30 to 4:15 PM - Robotics with Free Hardware - Porgramming arduino with physical toys - (Gonzalo Zabala / GIRA Grupo de Investigación en Robótica Autónoma del CAETI - Buenos Aires - AR)

4:30 to 6 PM - Moodle and Free Educational Robotics - Esteban Báez - Free Robotics and openSUSE Ambassador - Marechal Cândido Rondon/PR

July, 2
9:30 to 11:30 AM - Arduino Workshop - Electronics and robotics with free hardware and software – Álvaro Fernandes de Abreu Justen

11:40 to 12:55 PM  - Minicourse: Wiki Culture  in Free Robotics - Andressa Rodrigues Martins/Robótica Livre Goiás

1:00  to 6:00 PM - Creative Computing Workshop - Integrating the Educational Tool Scratch Arduino free hardware - Dino Magri and Gabriela Salvador Thumé - MUSA/ Joiville-SC

Free Atelier

Free Atelier is an initiative inspired in metarecycling, free robotics olympic games, art&technology, prototyping, remix, hacker culture and, sure, free software. We thought about technology as something to be explored and demystified, where everybody can understand it enough to create their own devices. In decades, specialists have told us to believe technology is like a black box, and we try to revert this reality.

Free Atelier will be a room to join free digital culture's tribes, doing hacking of debris, improviation and lathing. It is a room for people to meet and create new stuff, compose music, videos and meta art. Let's exchange experiences!

Visit o Free Atelier  at fisl12 and join!

For more info, visit:



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