Betting on her popularity in the internet, the singer Lady Gaga launched this week her own social network. The project is a partnership with the manager Matt Michelsen and wants to be a plattaform to gather the fans. Who has tested, said the is possible to exchanhe messagens, comments and share anything about the singer. The initiative will have the support of her 19 millions followers on Twitter and 47 millions of fans on her Facebook page. But it is still a restricted network, because it will only distribute 10 thousand invitations initially. Call Little Monsters, the network refers to the cute nickname that Lady Gaga gave to her fans.
The project seems something new, but is not. In Brazil, there are initiatives that resemble the artist’s. On the presidencial campain of 2010, the Colivre made history with the #dilmanarede. Responsible for all planning, development, security, database and maintenance of the social network, Colivre used only free technologies, in particular Noosfero, a software developed by the cooperative. The #dilmanarede brought innovation in the brazilian first election in which the internet played a major role. A different kind of tools were developed that helped elect the first woman president of the country.
Despite having been used within the political sphere, with Noosfero you can shape and develop custom social networks. And by using free technologies, the network will have fully autonomous capabilities with simple access and handling, allowing an environment of collaboration and interactivity on the web site that aggregates also, blog and business management across the enterprise profile. In other words, if your audience is already using social networks, it is time to consider investing in one. After Dilma and Lady Gaga, it can turn in to a trend!
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