Associação Software Livre.Org and the State Government from Rio Grande do Sul organized the event Conexões Globais 2.0 (Global Connexions 2.0). The event, that happens together with the Social Forum, 25 to 28 January, at the Casa de Cultura Mario Quintana will harbor important discussions about new technologies, digital culture and social mobilization. To accomplish that, activists and international specialists will be present or will participate in panels remotely from their countries.
The programme includes talks, webconferences (with activists who experienced mobilizations in other parts of the world) about subjects like social media, sustainability, rights in the Internet and democracy 2.0. Workshops and deconferences will also be carried on. Another hot topic for the event is the cultural programme. With live broadcast via Internet, all the communication of the Conexões Globais 2.0 will be collaborative, produced by its own participants.
The Software Livre Radio will broadcast debates and interviews right from the location during the days of the event.
See the event's website and the programme and participate!
Conexões Globais 2.0 to discuss new ways of social mobilization over the web
28 de Fevereiro de 2012, 0:00 - sem comentários ainda | 1 pessoa seguindo este artigo.
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