Resultados da Busca - Marcados com registration
Autor Claudia Maria da Costa Archer Perfil FISL16 Descrição SIGN YOUR TALK HERE !! =)>>> <<< Much of the FISL programming is collectively maked with the help of the community. You can participate as a speaker or voting in th... Labels speakers registration Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Bruno Buys Perfil fisl15 Descrição There's a novel feature to ease the life of those coming from abroad to the International Free Software Forum: Paypal is now an accepted means of registration payment. Up to last year, those in that situ... Labels paypal registration foreigner event Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Software Livre Brasil Perfil fisl13 Descrição One of the classic parts in fisl is the presence of various Users Groups who promote a huge exchange of knowledge. That's the time when participantes gather around common interests and share novelties, b... Labels registration users groups Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Software Livre Brasil Perfil fisl13 Descrição UGs can now send their proposals to one of the 40 available slots, which, besides the slot, also provide two participant and two exhibitor´s credentials. Labels ug users groups users groups form registration opening Categorias Nenhum(a) -
Autor Software Livre Brasil Perfil fisl12 Descrição June, 12, is the final deadline for promotional fare registrations at fisl12. Like previous editions, fisl12 organizing committee divided the registrations in different dates and fares. Students and conv... Labels discount fisl fisl12 registration Categorias Nenhum(a)