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Clothes For Charity unveils new marketing strategy with Together

5 de Outubro de 2013, 12:39 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Clothes For Charity unveils new marketing strategy with Together
Rose Wild, the parent company for Clothes For Charity, has unveiled a new national scheme to make charity clothing simpler with Together. donate clothes to charity

The marketing strategy allows donators to choose their charity and request a securely trackable bag. After filling the bag with unwanted clothes, the donator can request a pick up from whatever location they choose.

Jonathan Turner, partner at Together Agency, who brokered the agreements between the venture and their partner charities, as well as developing the digital platform and marketing strategy, said: “Donating clothing is an essential revenue source for charities, but there has been so much shady practice around unsolicited bags pouring through your letter box no one trusts it anymore,’ said.

“Our marketing approach was simple, we showed how simple and secure the scheme was and how much flexibility it gave donors in choosing who they wish to donate to.”

Together has already signed about 50 charities for the campaign, including Centre Point and The Cancer Recovery Foundation UK.

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