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Vídeo: KDE para tablets

17 de Agosto de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 357 vezes

O desenvolvedor Marco Martin criou um teste/prova de conceito de uma interface (Plasma shell) do KDE para uso em tablets, com suporte a alguns recursos que parecerão familiares a quem já interagiu com a atual safra de telefones e tablets controlados via telas de toque.

O vídeo acima mostra em operação a prova de conceito, baseada em QtQUICk e já com suporte a alguns gestos comuns para navegar pelo ambiente e comandar determinadas ações.

While the free open source K Desktop Environment (KDE) already features several Plasma shells, including a desktop and netbook shell, until now it did not have one for tablets. KDE developer Marco Martin, also known simply as ‘mart’, has posted details about a KDE Plasma Mobile shell for tablets on his blog.

According to the developer, when designing a Plasma shell for tablets, it isn’t possible to just create a “one design fits all” application as various mobile devices feature different screen resolutions and sizes. Additionally, for example, internet tablets and phones put emphasis on different primary functions.

Based on QtQUICk, the new shell currently features support for touch-based input and allows users to swipe their finger to, for example, change to the search and launch interface. Martin says that the Plasma Mobile shell for KDE that started simply as an experiment by the developers, is currently “just a quick proof of concept, but that shows itself very promising for the future.”

A video of the KDE PLasma Mobile shell is available on YouTube. Alternatively, users can download an OGG version(direct download) of the video. (via


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