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Greetings from daniel tygel to the Asian Solidarity Economy Forum - ASEF 2012

18 de Dezembro de 2012, 13:50 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The Asian Solidarity Economy Forum (ASEF) will be held in Manado, capital of Indonesia's North Sulawesi province from October 1st to 3rd, with 500 delegates from 17 countries. This video is my warm greeting to all participants. Below follows the text of the message, which is also available as subtitles in the video itself. ============== Dear Friends from Asia, My name is daniel tygel, from Brazil. I was Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Forum of Solidarity Economy from 2004 to 2011, and now I started as Operations Manager of RIPESS, the International Network for the Promotion of Social and Solidarity Economy. I'm also a member of EITA, a small cooperative of Information Technologies applied for Social Movements. I'm very happy to know that Asia will go further in organizing its Continental Network. From my experience in Brazil and Latin America, Social and Solidarity Economy can only achieve effective results, both economically and politically, if all actors involved are able to network and respect the diversities, at the same time preserving a common identity, which in our continent is related to creating another economy centered on the people and not on profit. Social and Solidarity Economy is needed now, in this moment of several combined crisis that are not correctly addressed by a market driven economy. It's time to change the way and principles we adopt to organize production, commerce, finances, the market and even consumption, aiming at a really sustainable <b>...</b>
From: danieltygel
Views: 99
3 ratings
Time: 02:09 More in Nonprofits & Activism


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