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Diego Búrigo Zacarão

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It’s been 1 year of Indifex

1 de Fevereiro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Time definitely flies

It looks like it was yesterday that I firstly flew to EU to meet some Fedora guys at the FUDCon in Brno. At that time, September of 2008, I had just finished my GSoC application and lots of ideas were going around our minds (Me and Dimitris Glezos), mainly about what we should do about Transifex.

My first time in Greece, Dimitris’ country, allowed us to discuss many things, including the redesign of Transifex. I remember we realized we had in our hands an idea that, at least for us, could sound very promising and with lots of potential. We were kinda anxious and unsure on how we should push things on, but we had a shared common feeling -  We need to do something.

Time Flies by Bichuas (E. Carton)
Time Flies by Bichuas (E. Carton)

In a long short history, I came back to Brazil in November of 2008 and 3 months later I was working full time on Transifex as an Indifexian. February of 2009 was a mark for me. At that period, my life was kinda turned up side down, not in a bad way, just in a complete different way. New challenges and horizons  just shown up and it’s been like this until now, 1 year later.

Today we are not anymore 2 crazy guys, locked down in an apartment, ordering food and hacking most of the time during the night.  The team has increased and we are really happy about it. We keep working hard to hit our goals seeking ways to make ‘Translations a click away’. Talking about it, Transifex 0.8alpha is just out, be sure to take a look at the new features. ;)

Happy translations!


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