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8 de Janeiro de 2013, 0:00 , por Susan Rene Delarosa - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 532 vezes


Summary:Labrada’sursolic acid is obtained from apple peels; a recent discovery. Preventing muscle atrophy, aiding growth of muscle tissue, promoting fat loss, preventing atherosclerosis and supporting bone growth are some known effects. Many studies involving this constituent are still in progress. The natural product is described in detail at


The apple is known for its numerous benefits. The most recent discovery has been a wonder component called ursolic acid (refer link: This acid is found to be present in the peel of apples. This particular constituent acts as a fat loss agent and also supports the growth of muscles. Ursolic acid affectsthe molecular pathways. This process helps in preventingloss of muscle. It also prevents weakness and promotes greater fat loss. Another benefit is that it has a healing effect on many chronic diseases.It is also commonly addressed as malol, urson, micromerol and prunol. Chemically it is a penta-cyclic-triterpenoid. This is a compound occurring naturally in a many vegetarian foods.It is also found in medicinal herbs and plants such as rosemary and of course apples.


There were studies conducted that involved human beings and mice.This wonder acid helpedin counteracting the differentcatabolic effects that can occur due to fasting or dieting. The studies that involved mice, the results showed that this natural component protected against atrophy of the muscle tissue. The muscles of the mice grew significantly when it was added on their food. These were normal mice and non-fasted.This study is bound to revolutionize the science of weight loss and muscle gain. Ursolic acid was projected as an effective dietary supplement only recently therefore many trials involving humans are still in the initial stages. However they have so far shown good promising results. However the studies are still in progress. Moreover this ‘latest’ discovery in terms of modern science has been used for centuries in folk medicine; its source being a variety of medicinal plants. Hence there is a strong assurance that the safety and efficacy of ursolic acid can be vouched for. This is completely natural.


Benefits of Ursolic Acid

Anti- catabolic effects of this component was found in a recent study. While studying gene activity during various catabolic activities like fasting, the gene expressions were then compared with those involved in muscle fibers exposed to different bioactive molecules. Off all these molecules, ursolic acid distinctly stood out. It was the only bioactive substance inducing a gene expression that continually counteracted the effects (catabolic) of fasting. Post this experiment, the acid was then fed to fasting mice. The results were amazing, it protected against the common phenomenon accompanying fasting and dieting; muscle atrophy.Besides this through regular consumption, the muscles only grew bigger. Results from the same study further showed that the mice became leaner and reflected lower blood glucose levels. Hence the benefits just kept increasing with every new finding. Ursolic acid also significantly improved the blood lipid profile lowering bad cholesterol (LDL) and increasing good cholesterol (HDL). It was also found to stimulate the liver for synthesis of glycogen. Atherosclerosis (a condition that adversely affects the monocytes in blood) contributes to extreme inflammation. This is a result of a diet high in carbs and a sedentary lifestyle. Ursolic acid again helps out as it is a good anti-atherogenic agent. It is also known to benefit optimum bone health. The safety of this element has been established as non-toxic. As mentioned above, studies are still being conducted to check its effects in totality however it is very unlikely to be unsafe as it is a natural compound and not chemically synthesized.

Labrada’svery own ursolic acid not only helps the consumer to look and feel better but also aids his/her cardiovascular health. It is one of the best supplements for all genders and ages. It is a known anti-obesity agent. For more information on this amazing product, visit

Tags deste artigo: health