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From 2 to 8 October Brasília will become World capital of Plone
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Hello folks, We would like to announce that the submission period for talks and...

7 de Junho de 2013, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 149 vezes
Hello folks,

We would like to announce that the submission period for talks and training for Plone Conference 2013 and PythonBrasil[9] is open. Anyone can submit proposals from June 7th to June 30th.

The procedure is simple:

1. Register yourself on the conference site for which you want to submit proposals. The registration on the two conferences are independent: if you want to submit for both events, please do it independently on each of them. The sites are: and

2. Access the menu "Submit your Talk/Training".

3. Register as many proposals as you wish. They will be evaluated by the organizing committee and the community.

We'll be very glad to receive your contributions.

Help us make a great conference... or two!

Plone Conference 2013 - Brasília, Brazil — Plone Conference - Brasília 2013
The Eleventh Annual Plone Conference · October 2nd - October 4th, 2013 · Brasília - DF, Brazil.

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