<div align="justify">
<p>Command: <br>
image 400 200 'c=((x-(w-1)/2)^2+(y-h)^2)/((w*0.4)^2); c-0.5' f00,f80,ff0,0f0,0fa,00f,80f,f0f > rainbow.xpm</p>
The first expression "((x-(w-1)/2)^2+(y-h)^2)/((w*0.4)^2)" crates a circle with radial gradient. The outside the circle is made by pixels where the "c" value is greater than 1 (so transparent), and it's center is 0.</p>
<p>The second expression makes the circle grows by reducing the pixel value, but also makes the center to be lower than 0, so transparent.
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