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28 de Abril de 2017, 18:32 , por Daniel Nehme Muller - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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XVIII International Free Software Workshop (WSL 2017) - Call for Papers


Nowadays, Free/Libre and Open Source Software (FLOSS) is an imperative underpinning of every organization. A wide variety of high quality FLOSS applications is available today, ranging from infrastructure software and development tools to end-user applications. Furthermore, the Free Software movement has led to changes in adopted licensing policies, economic models and communication/cooperation processes, just to mention a few. Presently, FLOSS constitutes a major tool and/or research subject both in Computer Science and Social Science fields.

The Workshop on Free Software (WSL) is a scientific meeting held as part of the International Free Software Forum (FISL) -- one of the most important FLOSS conferences in the world. Since 2000, WSL and FISL take place annually in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Note: FISL 2017 edition has been postponed to a later date and therefore will not occur with WSL. However, we will have FISL preparation activities being carried out jointly with WSL.

WSL aims to foster the discussion on the state-of-the-art of the development, evaluation, and adoption of FLOSS in several scenarios. The major workshop's goals include: narrowing the relationship between FLOSS comunities and academia; eliciting cooperation opportunities between FLOSS and other disciplines/research fields; identify current challenges when designing, developing, and adopting FLOSS in diverse society sectors; and promote the discussion of future research directions.


  • Paper submission due: May 16
  • Notification to authors: June 6
  • Camera Ready due: June 20
  • WSL 2017: July 10-13


We invite authors to submit original research papers related -- but not limited to -- the following or related topics:

  • Social dynamics, management, development processes, and contributor's motivations in FLOSS communities;
  • FLOSS adoption in commercial and non-commercial contexts;
  • Automatic recommendation and quality assessment of FLOSS;
  • Legal and economic aspects of FLOSS;
  • FLOSS and education;
  • Development and evolution of FLOSS;
  • Analysis of data produced by FOSS projects, such as source code, e-mail, chat, and bug reports;
  • Tools to support software development focusing on FLOSS developers' needs;
  • Case studies: in-depth analysis of cases of implementation, migration, success, or failure of FLOSS projects worldwide;
  • Social, cultural, historics, and economic studies of FLOSS, involving qualitative and quantitative studies of development and activist communities;
  • Free culture, open robotics, open hardware, open design, open access, open source journalism.


Papers must be written in English, Portuguese, or Spanish; and must conform to SBC formatting guidelines, available here. Papers must be submitted as PDF (Portable Document Format) files by using EasyChair. The papers selected must be presented in workshop in order to be published in WSL repository.

Submitted papers to WSL call of papers must be 10-16 pages length, including abstract, figures, and references. The papers are expected to present relevant and original research.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by, at least, 2 program committee members. For each accepted paper, the authors must define one presenter, who will receive a promotional code to register free of charge for FISL. Accommodation and transportation expenses are not funded by FISL or by the WSL. The papers must be presented in the WSL technical sessions.


WSL 2017 proceedings will be published online - ISSN: 2526-1142 - DOI Prefix: 10.24935


All questions about submissions should be emailed to wsl @


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