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Planeta do Gnome Brasil

11 de Fevereiro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.

Lucas Rocha: GNOME and Modulesets

1 de Junho de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Powered by GNOME

I’ve just sent the Release Team proposal to reorganize the GNOME modulesets. Constructive feedback is more than welcome. The focus is on better promotion of our platform – especially now that things are finally getting cleaned up in GTK+ and GLib – and bringing app developers closer to our community. The proposal touches a few of the main points I discussed a couple years ago. A few quick personal notes:

Focus on core. By having only core components in our Desktop moduleset, we’ll be able to focus our attention on the core user experience. This will hopefully make it more natural to discuss the “big picture” more often without too much distraction.

Focus on platform. There’s some great work being done in terms of cleaning up our platform and adding some long-waited features to it. All this work combined with a good launch plan for 3.0 will definitely improve the communication around our platform and hopefully attract developers to create new appealing GNOME apps.

App portfolio. We have this vast app ecosystem around GNOME which is much bigger than our official modulesets. Having a strong app portfolio is key for a good promotion of our platform and to have a constant flow of new developers in the community. We have to spread the word about the awesome things that have been created based on GNOME: Banshee, Tomboy, GNOME Do, Brasero, Cheese, F-Spot, Shotwell, Inkscape, Pidgin, and many many others.

This proposal is a result of countless conversations among release team members and several members of the GNOME community. I really hope it will allow GNOME to embrace a bit more all the innovation that has been happening outside our “official” boundaries.

Lucas Rocha: Distraction-free Blogging

26 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Distraction-free WordPress

Following on my online uncluttering journey and very inspired by existing distraction-free text editors (WriteRoom, PyRoom, and others), I decided to tweak WordPress a bit so that I could have a better experience when writing my blog posts. I had a couple of specific goals in mind.

Only the necessary chrome. I just want to focus on what I’m writing. I only set tags, categories, tittle, etc, once I’ve got something pretty much done content-wise. Also, I use a very reduced set of controls most of the time: bold, italic, lists, and images. So, anything else is pretty much just adding clutter to my editor. To achieve that, I simply disabled all unused controls from WordPress’ WYSIWYG editor.

No need to preview. I care a lot about how the content will look like when published. Because the content style in the editor looked quite different than the actual blog design, I used to click Preview quite often and getting a bit distracted while writing. To be able to stay in the editor with no need to preview, I basically made the editor style look exactly like the blog design. No need to preview anymore.

The end result can be seen in the screenshot above. I used instructions from a couple websites to do it. I’m pretty happy with the end result.

Lucas Rocha: New Zenity maintainers

25 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 1Um comentário

Zenity's Easter Egg

Zenity is a simple and nice tool. It’s the module that got me started in the GNOME project and community when Glynn passed the ball to me. I’ve been the Zenity maintainer for almost 5 years now. It’s time to move on. I’m now passing the Zenity maintainer post to Luis Medinas (of Brasero fame) and Arx Cruz. So, if you have a pet bug or a patch pending review, they are the ones to ping from now on. Long live to Zenity!

Fábio Nogueira: Chega de cursor piscando!

22 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Chega de ligar o computador e ver apenas um cursos piscando antes de inicializar o seu Ubuntu! A solução é simples, indolor e totalmente de grátis.

Basta abrir o Terminal, e executar:

echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash

sudo update-grub2 && sudo update-initramfs -u

Feito! ;)

Essa dica vem de além-mar, do gajo Ricardo Vieira.

Lucas Rocha: Weather and Places

22 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Holland Park

It’s interesting how people perceive weather differently depending on where they live. That became more clear to me when we moved from Salvador (Brazil) to Europe where we lived two years in Espoo/Helsinki and now live in London.

Salvador is the place where I was born in Brazil. It’s a city in the Northeastern coast. Weather is roughly the same throughout the year with temperatures varying between 25°C and 34°C. Maybe this is why weather is rarely a subject people talk about on a daily basis. The temperatures are generally nice. sunny, and warm most of the time. It’s a given.

In Espoo/Helsinki – and Finland in general – weather is a central aspect of life. The seasons are very well defined and quite distinguishable. Certain things can only be done during certain seasons. You have things like skiing holiday and Summer cottages. People get quieter and more introspective during Winter and more lively and talkative during Summer.

A similar thing happens in London – even though the weather is much less extreme than Finland. We get this foggy and dull weather most of the time. So, when Summer comes with some very sunny and shiny days, you really try to enjoy it outdoors as much as you can. It’s not something you get all the time. It’s special.

I learnt to enjoy cities where the weather is not a given. I had to. Each season has something different to offer. They bring you a more clear sense that each year is a cycle. Sometimes cold. Sometimes colourful. Sometimes wet. Sometimes shiny.

Og Maciel: A volta dos que não foram

21 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda
De viagem

A volta dos que nao foram

E aí pessoal, tudo bem? Sei que faz muito tempo que não escrevo nada aqui no blog, mas é que para variar, estou metido em vários projetos diferentes e o tempo está curtíssimo! O meu trabalho também tem me mantido muito ocupado… e minhas filhas já estão me deixando de cabelo branco… e…

Bem, chega de choro… só passei aqui para dizer que apesar de não estar atualizando este blog aqui, eu continuo escrevendo em inglês no meu outro blog: Journal of an Open Sourcee

Então, se você quizer acompanhar que tipo de encrencas eu ando fazendo, dá uma passadinha por lá.



Gustavo Noronha (kov): Google’s pacman doodle in Epiphany/Midori?

21 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Google has had a very nice idea today, to celebrate Pacman’s aniversary: they made their logo become a playable HTML5 pacman. If you’re wondering why your WebKitGTK+ browser is not being able to play the game here’s why: Google is doing User-Agent sniffing and denying you the fun, sending a static image that you can click to perform a search instead of the game.

If you make Epiphany or Midori identify themselves as Chrome or Firefox, the game will work. I really don’t get this User Agent sniffing bullshit coming from Google. If you go to gconf-editor, and under epiphany->general set the user_agent key to “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; en-gb; rv: Gecko/2008092313 Firefox/3.8″ it works. I’m starting to seriously consider User Agent spoofing for * as a quirk on WebKitGTK+. Lame.

Update: as a protest, I’m making and say Chrome/Chromium are not supported, by doing User Agent sniffing.
Update2: it’s been pointed out to me that the game is not HTML5 - it’s actually smart usage of divs, and flash *urgh* for the audio

Hugo Doria: (VENDIDO) Vendo PSP Slim 2002 Desbloqueado, Edição Limitada God Of War

20 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda


NOTA: Já foi vendido. :)

Estou vendendo meu PSP Slim 2002, edição limitada do God Of War. O PSP é usado, mas está em perfeito estado (wifi, leitor umd, tela etc). Além disso, ele é desbloqueado com o firmware CFW GEN-D3 5.50, que roda todos os jogos atuais e jogos do PS1.

Eu estou vendendo um kit completo (coisa rara por aí) que acompanha:

  • PSP Slim 2002, desbloqueado com GEN-D3 5.50
  • Bateria Original
  • Fonte Original
  • Memory Stick de 8GB (já vai com ISOs de jogos)
  • 1 UMD ORIGINAL de God Of War
  • 1 UMD ORIGINAL do filme super bad
  • Película HORI aplicada
  • Não possui NENHUM bad/dead pixel

Além de toda essa parte "básica", o kit vai com:

  • Cabo para ligar o PSP na TV
  • Película extra
  • Cabo USB
  • Carregador para carro
  • Uma espécie de "lupa" para a tela
  • Um "apoiador" para você encaixar o PSP e ter mais apoio (joga como se fosse um controle do PS2)


  • Pequenos arranhões na parte traseira do PSP (perto do simbolo "PSP")
  • Sinais de uso no botão analógico


NOTA: Tirei com meu celular, que não tem uma câmera muito boa.

Cabo para a TV:

Carregador de carro, lupa, "base controle", película extra:

Algumas outras fotos:

O aparelho é fantástico e vale muito a pena. Me diverti bastante com ele.

  • PREÇO: R$ 550 + Frete
  • Motivo da venda: O apê que comprei já vai ser entregue e eu preciso comprar móveis. Infelizmente, eles são caros para dedéu.
  • Contato, dúvidas e maiores informações: via comentários ou meu email: mail arroba

Gustavo Noronha (kov): WebKitGTK+ and WebM

20 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

So you probably heard about WebM, right? It’s the awesome new media format being pushed by Google and a large number of partners, including Collabora, following the release of the VP8 video codec free of royalties and patents, along with a Free Software implementation.

It turns out that if you are a user or developer of applications that use the GStreamer framework, you can start taking advantage of all that freedom right away! Collabora Multimedia has developed, along with Entropy Wave GStreamer support for the new format, and the code has already landed in the public repositories, and is already being packaged for some distributions.

I just couldn’t wait the few days it will take for the support to be properly landed in Debian unstable, so I went ahead and downloaded all of the current packages from the pkg-gstreamer svn repository, built everything after having the libvpx-dev package installed, and went straight to a rather unknown, small video site called Youtube with my GStreamer-powered WebKitGTK+-based browser, Epiphany!:

Youtube showing a webm video in Epiphany

If you’re running Debian unstable, or any of the other distributions which will be lucky to get the new codecs, and support packages soon, you should be able to get this working out of the box real soon now. Check the tips on WebM’s web site on how to find WebM videos on youtube.

Hugo Doria: Vendo PSP Slim 2002 Desbloqueado, Edição Limitada God Of War

20 de Maio de 2010, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda


Estou vendendo meu PSP Slim 2002, edição limitada do God Of War. O PSP é usado, mas está em perfeito estado (wifi, leitor umd, tela etc). Além disso, ele é desbloqueado com o firmware CFW GEN-D3 5.50, que roda todos os jogos atuais e jogos do PS1.

Eu estou vendendo um kit completo (coisa rara por aí) que acompanha:

  • PSP Slim 2002, desbloqueado com GEN-D3 5.50
  • Bateria Original
  • Fonte Original
  • Memory Stick de 8GB (já vai com ISOs de jogos)
  • 1 UMD ORIGINAL de God Of War
  • 1 UMD ORIGINAL do filme super bad
  • Película HORI aplicada
  • Não possui NENHUM bad/dead pixel

Além de toda essa parte "básica", o kit vai com:

  • Cabo para ligar o PSP na TV
  • Película extra
  • Cabo USB
  • Carregador para carro
  • Uma espécie de "lupa" para a tela
  • Um "apoiador" para você encaixar o PSP e ter mais apoio (joga como se fosse um controle do PS2)


  • Pequenos arranhões na parte traseira do PSP (perto do simbolo "PSP")
  • Sinais de uso no botão analógico


NOTA: Tirei com meu celular, que não tem uma câmera muito boa.

Cabo para a TV:

Carregador de carro, lupa, "base controle", película extra:

Algumas outras fotos:

O aparelho é fantástico e vale muito a pena. Me diverti bastante com ele.

  • PREÇO: R$ 550 + Frete
  • Motivo da venda: O apê que comprei já vai ser entregue e eu preciso comprar móveis. Infelizmente, eles são caros para dedéu.
  • Contato, dúvidas e maiores informações: via comentários ou meu email: mail arroba

Tags deste artigo: gnome planet planeta