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Lucas Rocha: Reconnecting

1 de Janeiro de 2014, 20:09 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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I’m just back from a well deserved 2-week vacation in Salvador—the city where I was born and raised. While in Brazil, I managed to stay (mostly) offline. I intentionally left all my gadgetry at home. No laptop, no tablet. Only an old-ish smartphone with no data connection.

Offline breaks are very refreshing. They give you perspective. I feel we, from tech circles, are always too distracted, too busy, too close to these things.

Stepping back is important. Idle time is as important as productive time. The world already has enough bullshit. Let’s not make it worse.

Here’s for a more thoughtful, mindful, and meaningful online experience for all of us. Happy new year!


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