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Leonardo Ferreira Fontenelle: SyncEvolution as a SyncML server

21 de Janeiro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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I don’t have a desktop computer at work, only at home, so I’d love my home computer to work as a server for contacts, schedule, Firefox info (sorry, Epiphany, too beta for me) and document files. Messing with Apache is a little too much for me, not to mention less technology inclined users. That’s why I’m very happy to hear that SyncEvolution developers are beginning to think on a SyncML server feature. I know that are the first steps, but I’ll anxiously waiting for it to become reality.

(Meanwhile I could try a little harder to set up local Weave and Funambol servers. But that’s a little too hard with dynamically assigned IP addresses.)


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