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Jonh Wendell: Updates on Timezone extension

17 de Abril de 2016, 21:14 , por Planeta GNOME Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hey, this is a quick post to show the improvements the Timezone extension for GNOME Shell has received since it was born a couple of weeks ago.

  • Support avatars from and Libravatar.
  • Support GitHub profile. We fetch people’s name, city and avatar from there.
  • Ability to specify a location for people.json file. We support even remote files (e.g.: This way a whole team can share this file and use a single copy of it!

Here’s a simple people.json file showing the new features:

    "github": "jwendell",
    "tz": "America/Sao_Paulo"
    "name": "Niel",
    "gravatar": "",
    "city": "Cape Town",
    "tz": "Africa/Johannesburg"


Summary at the bottom. Clicking will open the preferences dialog

Preferences dialog


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