Google has had a very nice idea today, to celebrate Pacman’s aniversary: they made their logo become a playable HTML5 pacman. If you’re wondering why your WebKitGTK+ browser is not being able to play the game here’s why: Google is doing User-Agent sniffing and denying you the fun, sending a static image that you can click to perform a search instead of the game.
If you make Epiphany or Midori identify themselves as Chrome or Firefox, the game will work. I really don’t get this User Agent sniffing bullshit coming from Google. If you go to gconf-editor, and under epiphany->general set the user_agent key to “Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux; en-gb; rv: Gecko/2008092313 Firefox/3.8″ it works. I’m starting to seriously consider User Agent spoofing for * as a quirk on WebKitGTK+. Lame.
Update: as a protest, I’m making and say Chrome/Chromium are not supported, by doing User Agent sniffing.
Update2: it’s been pointed out to me that the game is not HTML5 - it’s actually smart usage of divs, and flash *urgh* for the audio
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