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Felipe Borges: Bye 2013! Happy 2014!

3 de Janeiro de 2014, 16:38 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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When a new year comes, it’s time to reflect (not regret) and set up new goals.

With this in mind, I have to say that last year was the best year ever… so far! I have attended FISL 14 in Porto Alegre, GUADEC in Czech Republic and gave a lot of talks. Speaking of that, I forgot to blog about the talk I gave at Latinoware which was an introduction to GNOME Application Development with Javascript (Gjs). And after that, I was invited to give a short introduction to Free Software and share my experiences as a student developing FOSS (mentioning my Google Summer of Code participation in 2012 and my involvement with the GNOME community) at my university. Everything was a blast!

For 2014, I want to intensify my GNOME contributions, read 50 booksgraduate o/*, and (after that) find a first job. ;)


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