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Mageia 3 is out!

20 de Maio de 2013, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In the night of May 18, mages, sorcerers, witches, and fairies took from the cauldron the new stable release of Mageia, now in your third version.

Mageia is a community Linux distribution based on Mandriva. This version have several softwares in their recent versions: KDE 4.10.2, GNOME 3.6, XFCE 4.10, Linux 3.8, systemd 195, rpm 4.11, LibreOffice 4.0.3, and more.

This release is dedicated to Eugeni Dodonov, former employer in Mandiva and a great free software developer. In your last work, Dodonov was in Intel developing a better integration between Intel graphics cards and Linux kernel. Dodonov died very young. He was cycling when was hit by a car. This accident happened in Sao Carlo city, Brazil, in 2012.

This release is special for me because the packages that I am the maintainer are available for Mageia users now. I am packing SWI-Prolog and abnTeX2. I intend make packages for scientific softwares and KDE stuff like themes and plasma applets. And, maybe, make a package to Cave Story because it is a beautiful game and everyone must play it! =)

Release notes, download link, tutorials to update from Mageia 2, and more news  are here.


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