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LaKademy 2015: Returning to the beginning

11 de Junho de 2015, 21:40 , por Planeta PSL-PI - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Exactly five years I came to Salvador to attend my first KDE event. It was the debut of Akademy-BR and my debut as a community contributor. At the time, I was already using KDE for 3 years but I had not contributed to the community of software that I always liked. It was the perfect time to start! :)

Me, younger, thinner and a padawan :)

Me at the Akademy-BR 2010, younger, thinner and a padawan :)

Since then I never stopped. I was increasingly strengthening the ties with the community and dedicating part of my time to it. I became part of the translation team. And I became also (inevitably) part of the promo team, presenting talks, participating in many events such as KDE representative. Lately I have also worked with artwork, producing promotional material for the events we participate in and the events we organize. This LaKademy art, for example, was made by me :)

Well, but let’s talk about the event itself!

This Lakademy I dedicated myself to work with the translation of Plasma 5, the Techbase wiki and some KDE texts. Once the translation of Plasma 5 is almost complete, I did not have much work to be done, only some Gcompris strings still needed translation. The Techbase wiki is being updated since much there still refers to the Plasma 4 and we are already porting everything for the Plasma 5. So, I did not translate many pages because I did not want spend my time with things that are (or will be soon) obsolete.

I also committed myself to do some promotional material for the FISL, an event that we will participate in July, with a KDE stand selling gifts and doing activities on the community. I started doing some arts for t-shirts, stickers and coffee cups, but I not yet finalized it. Well, I’m not exactly a designer, right? :) But I do my best.

LaKademy 2015 group photo

LaKademy 2015 group photo

I also took the opportunity of the event to migrate some things from our old wiki, which we no longer use, to our new site. There were many translation tutorials on the old wiki in our translation team page that were outdated and had some obsolete parts. I migrated all of these tutorials for the new site, I created a new page for our team and I deleted many obsolete things about KBabel and KDE 3 that were in these tutorials. The idea is to turn off this old wiki after migrate the contents that have not yet been migrated. Basically is just missing the history of our events, I did not have time to migrate during LaKademy.

In addition to this migration work, I also created some new pages on our website. I translated the KDE manifesto and I created a page for it in pt_BR, as well as the KDE Community Code of Conduct.

Well, besides, I mentored some people that appeared during the event interested in using and contributing to KDE. Some of them were interested in the translation work and I explained how it was the translation process and how our community worked. I hope that this event will bring us new contributors :)

Photos of the event can be seen here.

I would like to thank the support of KDE e.V. that once again believed in us and in our event. I would also like to thank immensely for all donors of our fundraising campaign for the LaKademy. You were very important in this process! :)


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