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I am a Mage!

2 de Junho de 2013, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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This is just a manner of speaking. = D

May 27, 2013. I officially became a packer on Mageia, Mandriva-based Linux distro. The date marks the creation of an account with access permission to repository and build system for me.

I started contributing to Mageia since the early days of the project, translating the manifesto to Portuguese. Since then I helped on forums, IRC, mailing lists, got mirrors with high performance in Brazil, and did more work in promotion. However, I wanted to provide software for Mageia, because this is a job who not everyone can contribute.

To become a packers I had to participate in a mentoring program where I was guided by my Portuguese friend José Jorge or zezinho. I learned a lot about the art of creating RPM packages. Thanks zezinho!

I’m packing SWI-Prolog and abnTeX2. I intend to maintain some scientific-related software and KDE stuff like themes and plasma applets.

Well, this is my way to contribute to free software. Thank you, community!


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