This year I have a project accepted to Google Summer of Code. This is my second time in the program and I am very happy and grateful for it
This year I come back to Cantor, the KDE mathematical environment for several mathematical softwares like Maxima, Sage, Scilab, etc. In 2011 I developed the Scilab backend during Google Summer of Code. My mentor was Sylvestre Ledru, from Scilab team.
This time my project is conclude the scientific python backend for Cantor. I began the development of this piece of software during LaKademy. The communication between Cantor and python is working properly. The software miss some features of IDE, like tab-complete and syntax highlight. I intent provide support to scipy, numpy and matplotlib too. Alexander Rieder, from KDE, is my supervisor.
There are some ideas about how to implement tab-complete and syntax highlight. It is possible using XML files (like I implemented in Scilab backend) or use the Kdevelop technology. I am researching which I will use.
More updates will come soon! Follow the tag gsoc2013-python-backend this blog!
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