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Filipe Saraiva: New Mageia Repository in Physics Institute – Brasilia University

24 de Março de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In this last week I kept contact with professor. Felippe, which is a member of a professors group (with professors Portilho, José Eduardo, and Júnior) in Physics Institure, in Brasilia University (UNB), Brazil, that work with free software, and I provided some information to they create a Mageia mirror in university.

Today I bring this good news that we have more one mirror in Brazil/Latin America!

More infos about this mirror in It is updated from C3SL, Mageia Tier1 mirror in Brazil. I wrote about it in this post.

There is historical significance in this, because this professors group created the first Mandrake repository in Latin America, at the time of version 6 or 7. Who is or was a Brazilian Mandriva user, also may have received some softwares updates from UNB repository.

Interestingly, currently all laboratories in Physics Institute are using free software, and the Linux distros are Mandriva and Mageia.


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