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Filipe Saraiva: Community MageiaBR is out!

24 de Abril de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The staff of Mageia is working hard to launch the first stable release, expected in just over 1 month. In the meantime, we have people from all over the world testing the system, packing new software, fixing bugs, translating, creating sites, writing blog posts, thinking about the promotion of the system … many people even!

And we recently had a formalization of a Mageia community in portuguese language – the MageiaBR! The portal is structured yet, but already has useful tools such as wiki and fórum – besides being quite beautiful, a very professional look.

And more news from the Brazilian community of Mageia come. Today we started the talks for the provision of a mirror network in the country through public universities that offer this service.

If you know some in Brazil or Latin America, please put it here in this post comments. Have we contacted UFPR, UFSC, USP and UNB.

And if you’re curious about mageia, remember to visit:


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