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Cantor’s script editor news

1 de Março de 2014, 15:48 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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A small blogpost about Cantor before Brazilian Carnival parties.

KDE 4.13 is feature freeze now and I developed some improvements in Cantor’s script editor. It will be available in next KDE stable release around April 16.

Now Python 2 and Scilab backends have support to script editor! See some pictures:

python_script_editorCantor Script Editor for Python

scilab_script_editor Cantor Script Editor for Scilab

You can access script editor in menu bar View -> Show Script Editor. The script editor is based in kate-part, so you have syntax highlighting, line numbering, mini-map, and all cool stuffs from Kate. You have a Run Script button too, so you can just push this button and the script will be load in Cantor worksheet, as you can see in examples.

There is news for others Cantor backends too. Now script editor load default syntax highlighting for each backend – in old versions it did not happen. And, if you push New button, the new script editor will have the default syntax highlighting working too.

It is the news about my work in Cantor for KDE 4.13. I intent improve Python 2 backend and script editor for future releases.

But now it is time to go to Brazilian street parties! Happy Carnival! ;)


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