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Cantor backends for Python2 and Scilab merged in master

26 de Outubro de 2013, 17:16 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 73 vezes

A fast update: now Cantor backends for Python2 and Scilab were merged in master branch. I will do more polishing until the stable release in KDE 4.12. You can follow the new status of development compiling and testing Cantor from master branch.

In a related topic, KDE Edu sprint in A Coruña, Spain, began and runs through the October 30th. Unfortunately I can not participate this time but I expect go to the next meeting (maybe, in Akademy 2014). =)

Have a good work, edu-gearheads!


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