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Aracele Torres: The first edition of LAkademy, I’m in!

9 de Abril de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hello everybody!

At last Latinoware came the idea to do a Latin American Akademy. Now we can realize this idea! It will be a good opportunity for meet the latin american contributors of KDE, do sprints, and to make plans for the future of KDE in Latin America.


In the LAkademy I’ll to work in some translations of TechBase, my current occupation, and I’ll work with promotion team too. I hope to give some good contributions there.

So, the information about LAkademy can be founded here.

Thanks KDE e.V for the support!

I hope that summit be the first of a lot! ;-)


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