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Aracele Torres: LaKademy: last day

2 de Maio de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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LaKademy is over! The first KDE Latin American meeting was very productive. We have succeeded in creating some new things and fix some old bugs. We made some plans and strategies for the future of KDE. And last but not least, we know new people and new places. We had fun. I sure the meeting was a sucess! I would like to thank the main responsible for this, the organizers and supporters. Camila (@camilaraw) and Henrique (@desbytezado) who embraced the cause of KDE, and organized the event with all affection for us. KDE e.V and Claudia Rauch who are always supporting us on our ideas. Thank you very much!

Here’s the group photo:


You can see more photos of meeting in our photo gallery on Flickr.

Reports of meeting can be found in and identica/twitter (hash tag #lakademy).

Until the next! ;-)


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