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Aracele Torres: KDE SC 4.5 Release Party in Teresina Tomorrow

13 de Agosto de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hi all!

Tomorrow will be held in Teresina (Piauí, Brazil) Release Party of KDE SC 4.5! The date and place were changed because of the postponement of the launch of this new version. Now the party will be held tomorrow (14) in a town near Teresina, Timon, in Maranhão state. This is KDE-PI across borders! ;) The date and place were changed, but the activities remain the same:

  • Presentation of version 4.5
  • Compiling version 4.5
  • Beer!
  • Cajuína :D (A typical drink of Piauí)
  • Mangueira ;) (A typical alcoholic drink of Piauí)
  • Four Cheese Pasta Sauce!

We expect a good tasting foods and beverages and too of KDE SC 4.5! ;)


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