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Aracele Torres: KDE Forum Brazil – Northeast Edition: here we go!

31 de Outubro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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It is less than a week for the KDE Forum Brazil – Northeast Edition in IV Northeast Meeting of Free Software. The KDE-Piauí produced some promotional material for the event.

The t-shirts with our logo and some stickers for notebook with the logo KDE Brazil and KDE will be distributed to the participants of the forum.  Take a look at it :


KDE-Piauí T-shirts!

Many KDE’s stickers!

and finally…  a lot of t-shirts and stickers!

We hope to find you all there!!! Here‘s the complete program of event.

KDE Forum Brazil – Northeast Edition is organized by:

and supported by:


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