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Aracele Torres: KDE Forum Brazil – Northeast Edition

15 de Outubro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hi all!

On 5 and 6 November there will be the KDE Forum Brazil – Northeast Edition in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. The KDE Forum Brazil – Northeast Edition is the latest achievement of the “KDE Forum Brazil” in the International Free Software Forum (FISL), but this time as a satellite event of the Northeast Meeting of Free Software. The aim is to present lectures on the topics currently being discussed in KDE and provide practical experiences in the form of mini-courses on the main technologies used in day-to-day contribution to the project.

The importance of Northeast Meeting of Free Software is to descentralize the free software events in Brazil, which occur with more frequency in the south/southeast of the country. Brazil is a continental proportion country, thus, some displacements are equivalent to travels across many european countries, in terms of distance and time.

So, the Northeast Meeting of Free Software agregates the brazilian community  closest to the littoral, backland e tropical regions of the country. We are more hot than the south people. :-)

The event schedule will be:

Day 05/11

Hour Talk Speaker
08h45 Opening
09h KDE: Wear the shirt! Amanda Castro
10h KDE in your language … Aracele Torres
13h Developing for KDE Sandro Andrade
14h KDE in Google Summer of Code Paulo Rômulo
15h KDE Lovelace Amanda Castro e Aracele Torres
16h Qt/KDE on Mobiles INdT
17h (Re) Discover KDE Hélio Chissini de Castro

Day 06/11

Hour Talk Speaker
09h Mini-course: Basic Qt Sandro Andrade
10h Mini-course: Basic Qt Sandro Andrade
11h Mini-course: Basic Qt Sandro Andrade
13h Mini-course: Develop your Plasmoid JavaScript in 20 Minutes Sandro Andrade
14h Mini-course: Talking to your programs via D-Bus Lamarque Souza
15h Mini-course: Talking to your programs via D-Bus Lamarque Souza
16h Mini-course: Talking to your programs via D-Bus Lamarque Souza
17h Closing and Raffle Giveaways


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