O Projeto Software Livre Bahia (PSL-BA) é um movimento aberto que busca, através da força cooperativa, disseminar na esfera estadual os ideais de liberdade difundidos pela Fundação Software Livre (FSF), possibilitando assim a democratização do acesso a informação, através dos recursos oferecidos pelo Software Livre. Esta busca tem seus alicerces fundados na colaboração de todos, formando um movimento sinérgico que converge na efetivação dos ideais de Liberdade, Igualdade, Cooperação e Fraternidade.
O Projeto Software Live Bahia é formado pela articulação de indivíduos que atuam em instituições publicas e privadas, empresas, governos ou ONGs, e demais setores da sociedade. Além disso o projeto não é subordinado a qualquer entidade ou grupo social, e não estabelece nenhuma hierarquia formal na sua estrutura interna.
Introducing Radio Pyo: live python music!
28 de Abril de 2014, 2:10 - sem comentários aindaRadio Pyo is now online as a beta experiment. All the compositions are made entirely with Python and Pyo. They mostly have pseudo-random music sections, so technically speaking the chances that you listen to the same song twice are very little :)
I'm contacting the composers in order to make all the sources available in a public repository.
Here's a template with some rules for those who want to submit a composition (for now it's just about sending the script to tiago at acaia.ca):
#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Template for a RadioPyo song (version 1.0). A RadioPyo song is a musical python script using the python-pyo module to create the audio processing chain. You can connect to the radio here : http://radiopyo.acaia.ca/ There is only a few rules: 1 - It must be a one-page script. 2 - No soundfile, only synthesis. 3 - The script must be finite in time, with fade-in and fade-out to avoid clicks between pieces. Use the DURATION variable. belangeo - 2014 """ from pyo import * ################### USER-DEFINED VARIABLES ################### ### READY is used to manage the server behaviour depending ### ### of the context. Set this variable to True when the ### ### music is ready for the radio. TITLE and ARTIST are the ### ### infos shown by the radio player. DURATION set the ### ### duration of the audio file generated for the streaming.### ############################################################## READY = False # Set to True when ready for the radio TITLE = "Song Title" # The title of the music ARTIST = "Artist Name" # Your artist name DURATION = 300 # The duration of the music in seconds ##################### These are optional ##################### GENRE = "Electronic" # Kind of your music, if there is any DATE = 2014 # Year of creation ####################### SERVER CREATION ###################### if READY: s = Server(duplex=0, audio="offline").boot() s.recordOptions(dur=DURATION, filename="radiopyo.ogg", fileformat=7) else: s = Server(duplex=0).boot() ##################### PROCESSING SECTION ##################### # global volume (should be used to control the overall sound) fade = Fader(fadein=0.001, fadeout=10, dur=DURATION).play() ### ### Insert your algorithms here... ### #################### START THE PROCESSING ################### s.start() if not READY: s.gui(locals())
Thanks to Olivier Bélanger and Jean-Michel Dumas for all the code!
Mon petit Jean marchant
6 de Abril de 2014, 12:24 - sem comentários aindaI got this cute little walker by following these instructions. It's a simple 3 servo robot controled by a light sensor, mapping light intensity with speed. To avoid beating his face against the wall Jean uses an ultrasonic sensor which also gives him a fancy big-eye look. So smart uh? :) The code doesn't differ much from that one mentioned above. I've just taken these pictures before he gets disassembled, after all I can't afford a microcontroller for each fun I have on this arduino-world thing.