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Zyne is now in Debian

9 de Junho de 2015, 16:05 , por PSL-BA Feeds - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Zyne is a modular synthetizer written in Python. Anyone can create and extend its modules using the Pyo library. Zyne's GUI is coded using WXPython and will look nicely in GNU/Linux, Mac and Windows systems. It's written by the same author of Pyo, and together with Cecilia and Soundgrain is part of an amazing set of libre tools for sound synthesis and electronic music composition.


Zyne loading 6 of its 14 default modules

Zyne package is result of a successful one-day event called MicroDebconf Brasilia 2015, being created during a track about packaging and QA leaded by Eriberto Mota and Antonio Terceiro.


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