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Lucas Almeida Rocha: The Board’s Infrastructure

6 de Novembro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In preparation for the first tarball release of The Board, I thought it would be a good time to start setting up some minimal tools for collaboration. In practice, this means generally using GNOME’s infrastructure.

So, I moved the code repository from Gitorious—of which I think it would be great to have an instance in GNOME servers by the way—to GNOME git. I didn’t do this before because I only wanted to start using GNOME git once I felt more confident about the idea.

I’ve created a basic wiki page with some useful links and, more importantly, a page with general instructions on how to build and run The Board for hacking purposes. I’ve just pushed initial code to make The Board translatable (see image). So I’ll soon be doing a call for translations. There’s now a GNOME bugzilla product for The Board. Feel free to start filing bugs!

I’ve started using Flattr—the social micro-payment system—a couple months ago as an experiment. I added a The Board entry there. You’re welcome to flattr the project or any of the related entries.

I think it’s too early to create a mailing list. I’ll do it once the first releases are out and a certain number of people demonstrate interest in the project. I expect to be releasing the first 0.1.0 tarball soon!


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