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Lucas Almeida Rocha: GCDS #2

6 de Julho de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 448 vezes
  • I’m eating too much. I’ll definitely some weight here. It’s funny that I haven’t heard of anyone getting sick because of any food here. There’s a lot “risky” food here… The “Sueco Especial” for example looked a bit scary at first :-P
  • Don’t believe in what Diego and Vincent are saying! I understand (almost) everything people say in spanish here. It’s amazing! Speaking spanish is another story though…
  • Could find any open restaurant at 1h AM last night! It was Sunday but still… Well, we ended up finding a open bar where we had some simple but good sandwiches.
  • I really liked the GNOME 3.0 talk today. It was useful to show how many cool things are happening for GNOME 3.0.
  • Went to a quick/informal GTK+ meeting today. I hope some the stuff discussed there turn into actual action soon.
  • Daniel is right, I’m 23 years old! :-P
  • For some weird reason, I ended up being the “official” photographer for the GCDS group photo! Terrible idea as I’m a lousy photographer! :-P (I’ll publish it soon bt the way)
  • GSettings looks pretty interesting. Client side windows in GTK+ seems very promissing. Love Moblin’s Mojito. GNOME Shell is moving really fast.
  • GNOME 1,2,3 talk was awesome!
  • More later!


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