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To LaKademy and beyond

12 de Abril de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Last month I received an invitation, from a Brazilian KDE fellow, named Filipe Saraiva. For my surprise, I was one of the suggested newcomers for the first LaKademy ever. As I said in one of my previous posts, to be more involved with the community is a must-do for this year, so this invitation came at the right time.

I already had confirmed my participation and I'm really eager to meet, in person, some of those that contribute with KDE in so many different ways.

From April 27th to May 1st, LaKademy will take place in Porto Alegre city. The event aims to reunite elder KDE members and to give the opportunity to me and other novices to personally interact with our near KDE fellows. The participants are mainly from Brazil, but there are also people from Argentina, Peru and Colombia.

Besides the social activities inherent to a Akademy, we're intending to produce code contributions like in a traditional sprint. I'm plenty of ideas and expectations, but I won't give details in this post ;}.

Finally, if you're curious about what happens when a bunch of crazy hackers join forces then just wait. I'll be posting about the experience during the whole event.

Translation: I'm going to LaKademy


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