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My KDE Google Summer of Code Project

9 de Maio de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Hi everyone. I'm here to talk a little bit about my Google Summer of Code(GSoC) Project - yes, my project was approved and I'm very happy. YAY ^^.

Basically, the project goal is to integrate web service with Amarok podcasting functionalities. Now, lets answer some questions...

What is

The podcast web service is a free, online and open source application that can be used for podcast searching, subscription and status synchronization.

What are the benefits of this integration?

The integration will make possible things as such as:

  1. Synchronization of subscribed podcasts between any device that supports Amarok or other application compatible with (like GPodder).
  2. There will be, also, status synchronization too. So you can start listening one podcast in your notebook, stop to get the school bus, and continue at the same point you stopped in any other device that supports web services

Its only this? 

Off course not, there will be another feature, the long-waited playlist synchronization, that was not working for a long time. Just prepare your pendrive, MP3 player, flashcard or any storage device to the music guys UU. 
Final remarks...

Despite all the greatness of this project, I must say that behind every programmer there is a better one XD. And this man, geeks and freaks, this man is Bart Cerneels, the main developer of Amarok podcasting functionalities and my mentor until August. 

So, that's all for this post. All hail the KDE!!!

P.S.: Just don't forget to keep in touch with this blog. Stay alert, the next steps will be reported here and I sincerely hope to receive feedback from interested people. Please, let me know your opinion!!!


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