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LaKademy's Logbook: Day 1 and 2

30 de Abril de 2012, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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The flight from Recife to Porto Alegre wasn't really comfortable. The airplane had to stop over in both Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. And since I leaved Recife at 00:37 it was hard to sleep with these stopovers and people getting in and out the airplane.

Although the majority of the participants didn't take long to appear on day 26, some of us had had problems with delayed flights due to the bad weather in Porto Alegre. Fortunately, I didn't had such problems, since I arrived in Porto Alegre in the beginning of the morning.

During these days, I started to program what will be the Tomahawk service in a near future. It's part of my of my GSoC project and I'd show it in this blog when I get ahead to something more mature.

Besides that, I'm enjoying very much the experience. People here knows a lot about all the sort of stuff you may think. Besides that, they're are very funny and we're having a great time in this LaKademy.

Alvaro, Ronny, Lucas(Me ^^), Aracelle, Filipe, Sandro, Lamarque, Camila, Henrique, Wagner, Josie in the hostel living room.
Once in a while we remember that human beings need to feed, so we leave the hostel in order to find something to eat. The time outside is perfect to know everyone better and to relax after hacking KDE for a while.

On day 2 we gave a short talk at Porto Alegre's FLISOL and its staff gave us a room for we to stay during the day. It was open for anyone to arrive and to ask about any aspect of KDE. For instance, some people got interested in translation activities and we promptly explained how they could help KDE.

LaKademy's room at Porto Alegre's FLISOL.
As a matter of fact, these events are good to see that many people still have doubts about KDE stability and performance due to the problems we had in early stages of 4.x versions, although were far more better since KDE 4.3. We explained that KDE 4.0 was almost written from zero, so more bugs than usual were initially expected.

Major changes and software instability go hand in hand. Gnome 3 is suffering the same that our users complained in the past for example. As professor Sandro Andrade said, people will only forget KDE 4.0 problems in the KDE 5 era.

By the way, one funny thing we noticed when were working at the hostel was the curiosity of the other hostel's guests. I wonder what they might be thinking of a bunch of strange people spending almost all the day on their notebooks.

Surely there are much more to say about LaKademy, though I believe that it's enough for a post ^^. So, just wait for subsequent news...


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