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Software livre Brasil

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[GSoC] Now it's gpodder integration time!!!

1 de Junho de 2011, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Visualizado 245 vezes
Hello, fellow reader. Up until now, I had fixed the playlist synchronization in Amarok, hence everything is on schedule and the first part of this project is "apparently" finished

At this point, podcast playlist syncing doesn't have a way to show only a subset of predetermined episodes, for this reason we will see some episodes, from before the synchronisation, that should be not shown in Amarok. This will be fixed as soon as we get some priorities done first, since that bug don't prevent usage.

This week, I will try to run a server, as suggested by our libmygpo-qt comrade, HorrusHorrendus, in order to make the next part of this project easier to test. I also plan to continue coding the existing skeleton of the plug­in infrastructure for the gpodder integration with Amarok.

Just wait,
Amarok will have all features
that GPodder has ;}

The good news is that, from now on, will be easier to show the project results than was in the playlist synchonization part, because of the possibility to take screenshots demonstrating integration features.

So, remember to keep in touch with this blog if my project interest you. Next week, I will be back to update you with fresh news.

All hail the KDE!!! \o/


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