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The openSUSE ambassadors were present at VOLDAY

11 de Setembro de 2010, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Susestudio-voldayThe first VOLDAY helded in São Paulo is over ...

But ... For sure I can say that was another success for Brazilians Linux communities, sponsors, and everyone involved, had an excellent level of talks and the presence of ambassadors openSUSE was secured by two presentations and distribution of some openSUSE dual-layer DVDs, which surprised everyone because one side has the facility for 32-bit machines and 64-bit in other side



Before summarizing my view about the event, I would like to congratulate Fabio Berbert for the great quality of the event offered to the city of Bebedouro, with great respect and attention either by him or his team, whether to visitors or speakers , treatment and readiness to assist us let us able to be very comfortable and extract the maximum value offered during the event.

Among the interesting things that happened I would like to underline a few ones:

Cabelo*The presentation of Cabelo was a kind of buzz over and over until the moment I leaves the event, which was around 16:30. Everywhere I went into the event, whether in laboratories, in the cofee shop, wandering the aisles, I only heard great comments about Cabelo presentation.

* I also heart good things about Robotics Mini-course but unfortunately my talk was at the same time :-(

* People showed to be very interested during presentations and activities interacting in a high level Q&A session

* The event support team provided an excellent job from the receptino till the time of the lecture itself

* Linux Magazine participation at the event was very well received by visitors as well. I believe that next time, VOLDAY could have LinuxMall as partnership too.

* openSUSE Ambassadors has distributed around 70 dual layer DVD of openSUSE 11.3 during Cabelos and CarlosRibeiro presentations

* I noticed the increased number of people from local communities. I believe the participants representation from local and nearby regions have been more than 80% of the total visitors.

I believe Volday may have contributed to the consolidation of the "Linux" brand/name/image around Bebedouro region which will result in a better local resources utilization exploring local universities and schools.


After VOLDAY, It was clear that the regional companies can indeed be successful in projects where have Linux involved, without having to resort to the costs and challenges relevant to bring people and technology from outside town. Besides having the advantage that a local person knows the local reality much better than anyone from other land and this knowledge aligned with some community interactions could be resulted in great benefits for all parties.

Congratulations to all involved!

The presentation I used at Volday could be downloaded here


Best Regards

Fonte: Carlos Ribeiro

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