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Formamos a Rede de Desenvolvedores/as da NXS com uma idéia muito clara: fornecer um fluxo de trabalho em tecnologia a partir de São Francisco (Bay Area / Silicon Valley) com o qual os/as desenvolvedores/as da América Latina poderiam estar trabalhando.

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Urgent: Military Coup in Honduras Marks a Sad Day for Latin America

28 de Junho de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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In many ways, the FISL Week represents the great achievements in Latin America over the last decade: countries that had spent decades under the repressive control of military dictatorships are now experiencing a historically unprecedented re-birth and the culture of information freedom that we write about on this news website is representative of what could be called the new “open source societies” all over Latin America. Since the end of the Cold War, only one military coup was attempted in Latin America — in Venezuela in 2002 — and that coup was defeated as millions of Venezuelans poured into the streets demanding that their democratically-elected president be returned to power.
Honduran people attempt to block tanks during the military coup underway right now in Honduras
Unfortunately, one day after the closing ceremonies at FISL, on a day when Honduran people were expecting to participate in a non-binding election regarding constitutional reforms, a small group of soldiers from the Honduran military kidnapped the democratically-elected President Manuel Zelaya, declared martial law and installed a new, unelected president in his place. All flights in and out of Honduras have been canceled by order of the military and normal television and radio news outlets have been shut down at gunpoint. However, there are some things that are known:

Currently, the world is demanding that the democratically-elected president be returned to power, martial law be ended and democracy be restored in Honduras. People in the United States and elsewhere are being asked to contact the Department of State, Honduran embassies and their congressperson to insist that democracy be restored in Honduras. While it may seem like the world is lining up to condemn the situation in Honduras, if they feel like no one cares, they may not apply the pressure needed to change things. To allow this type of military coup to succeed in Honduras would be rolling back the advances made in the Americas by 30 years. At NXS, we work with Latin America on a daily basis and we could not, in good conscience, allow this military coup to proceed without saying something.

  1. State Department: 202-647-4000 or 1-800-877-8339
  2. White House: Comments: 202-456-1111, Switchboard: 202-456-1414
  3. Contact your elected representative!
  4. Honduran embassies around the world


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