Three free softwares developed in Latin America are between the finalists of the Community Choice Awards. They are Elastix from Ecuador, Medical from Argentina and Process Maker from Bolivia. We already published about Elastix here at our blog and we will be publishing more information about Medical and Process Maker.
This Monday Atix Magazine would be publishing articles introducing this 3 projects. On August there would be an special about the Latin American finalists with extensive documentation about those projects.
Read below a translation from Rafael Bonifaz’s email to FSFLA email list, it explains why is important to support the development of free software from other regions and the most important thing that the free access to the code, knowledge and of course the software gives equal opportunities for everyone to show their skills and creativity, no matter where they are.
So lets vote for them! We from North by South already voted, not only for Elastix, Medical and Process Make but for the other options as well, there are many good softwares that we use on our daily life and is good to show some support for those communities that have worked so hard to give us such good tools.
Dear all,
Many of you might already know that the projects Elastix (Ecuador), Medical (Argentina) and Process Maker (Bolivia) are finalists in the awards from Source Forge which is already an achievement. Especially if we consider that we are among the top 10 in the categories we are running for, when there were around 5000 nominated projects worldwide.
To vote, we can use the following link: link automatically selects Elastix (Best Project for the Enterprise) as a vote. Then select Medical for the category of Best Project for the government, and Process Maker as Best Commercial Project and Best Visual Design
The websites of these projects are: the support to those three free software projects, we support the idea that in Latin America, under the same conditions, we are equal, we can produce software of equal or better quality than the rest of the world. The free software allows us to have the same opportunities.
If one, two or three projects wins. We will be opening the door so more communities and free software projects in the region are known. And also motivating the traditional software developers to release their software.
Rafael Bonifaz
Elastix Community Manager
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