North by South has compiled this post which aggregates video, photos and articles about this year’s tenth anniversary of FISL, the Fórum Internacional Software Livre, held in Porto Alegre, Brazil. There were over 8,000 participants this year, including Brazilian President Lula da Silva! This page will continue to be updated as we find more links, so check back here or send us relevant links to include. Here is the Official NXS FISL10 Summary:
President Lula da Silva and the next president of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, speak to a group of 100 people on Friday.
Interview with Richard Stallman and Marcelo d’Elia Branco at FISL10
- Brazil’s Inclusão Digital at FISL10 and more information about this incredible initiative.
Jon “Maddog” Hall Interview from FISL10
Red Hat video from FISL 10 featuring Red Hat’s “Ambassadors” to FISL
Richard Stallman singing the Free Software Song at FISL10
Brazilian President shows solidarity with Pirate Bay founder and goes on the record in favor of internet freedom!
- Link to video of North by South’s presentation at FISL10 — coming soon!
FISL10 on Flickr
FISL10 on Twitter
- News in English about FISL10 from NorthxSouth News
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