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14 de Novembro de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
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Kalibro Issues

This is a temporary pending issues table while we don't have a definitive project management tool for issue tracking. Just strike the completed items (or even remove them at all).

Iteration 2 - Deadline: November 10
Title Priority Person
History Card: Dcumentation and Community Interations
  • Create a "How to"
  • Create .jar stable version and create a new branch for development (next iteration)
1 Carlos M e Poliana

History Card: Bugs after Iteration 2 (October/2009)
  • Exception when load kalibro and click in menu item open project:

Exception occurred during event dispatching: java.lang.NullPointerException at br.usp.ime.ccsl.kalibro.gui.controller. KalibroController.loadProject(

1 CarlosM
  • Exception ao apagar um ou algumas métricas da lista e clicar na aba Results para revisualizar os resulados.
1 Carlos M e PauloRMM
  • The dialog "save project as "  has a button "Open" that must be "Save"
  • Error when try Edit or Delete an exist range:
Exception occurred during event dispatching:
java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Double
at br.usp.ime.ccsl.kalibro.gui.controller. MetricEditionController.getSelectedRange(
  • COMMENTS OF FABIO KON : Into of Project class change the follows fields:
  • resultDate --> resultTimeStamp
  • calculateTime --> computationTime
  • rename composedMetric class to customizedMetric
  • To adapt Analizo->Kalibro parse acoording to Analizo new version
1 Alvaro
  • The buttons <cancel> and <save> into Range Edit Screen are inverted place.
  • The dialog "save project as " is titled "Open" that must to be "Save Project "
3 Poliana
  • Open the Kalibro and create a new configuration without change anything. Open this new configuration that was created. After, open the default-settings.yml and the Kalibro still work well. Now, when we try open the first configuration and create a new project a BUG occur.
1 Todos
  • Correct all tests. There are fails test: Runs =107; Error =0  Failures = 0
1 Alvaro e CarlosM
  • BUG : When add a new range and we not put the Grade, the system show a NullPointerException
1 Poliana
  • Number format in English format: "." = to separate decimals and "," = to separate thousands
2 Carlos M.
  • Test patterns: all tests have assert and trhows Exception
Iteration 3 - Deadline: December 15
Title Priority Person
Create branch for new version 0 Paulo
Clear Test: (i) Remove and create kalibro directory before all test; (ii) a test isn't dependent another test 1 Carlos e Paulo
Change the diretory .Kalibro to Kalibro (not hidden) 1
run all tests on windows :( and a computer without Analizo

Poliana e Paulo
Timeout for Java script calculate
Disable menu item when there is no project or base toll

Calculate results per package
Put warnings on ranges
Put warnings in red in results Screen

Carlos e Poliana
Re-design GUIs for maximize, minimum size and to have parent
Show comments and recomendations from results panel


e Paulo

Add description in new project dialog
Kalibro in off-line mode Paulo e Carlos

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