Foi disponibilizado o PHP 5.4.0 RC2, esta série de lançamento inclui novas funcionalidades de linguagem e remove muitos comportamentos legados. Desde o primeiro candidato de lançamento nenhuma nova funcionalidade foi incluída, apenas correções de erros e de estabilidade. Faça download:
Lista de mudanças
- Fixed bug #60227 (header() cannot detect the multi-line header with CR(0x0D)). (rui)
- Fixed bug #60099 (__halt_compiler() works in braced namespaces). (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #55874 (GCC does not provide __sync_fetch_and_add on some archs). (klightspeed at netspace dot net dot au)
- Fixed bug #52624 (tempnam() by-pass open_basedir with nonexistent directory). (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #55748 (multiple NULL Pointer Dereference with zend_strndup()) (CVE-2011-4153). (Stas)
- Fixed invalid free in call_user_method() function. (Felipe)
Zend Engine:
- Fixed bug #43200 (Interface implementation / inheritence not possible in abstract classes). (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #60159 (Router returns false, but POST is not passed to requested resource). (Laruence)
- Fixed bug #55759 (memory leak when using built-in server). (Laruence)
Improved PHP-FPM SAPI:
- Enhance error log when the primary script can't be open. FR #60199. (fat)
- Remove EXPERIMENTAL flag. (fat)
- Added .phar to default authorized extensions. (fat)
- Fixed bug #60377 (bcscale related crashes on 64bits platforms) (shm)
- Fixed possible memory leak in finfo_open(). (Felipe)
- Fixed memory leak when calling the Finfo constructor twice. (Felipe)
- Fixed memory leak in several Intl locale functions. (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #60306 (Characters lost while converting from cp936 to utf8). (Laruence)
- Fixed possible crash in mb_ereg_search_init() using empty pattern. (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #60267 (Compile failure with freetds 0.91). (Felipe)
- Fixed bug #60279 (Fixed NULL pointer dereference in stream_socket_enable_crypto, case when ssl_handle of session_stream is not initialized.) (shm)
Oracle Database extension (OCI8):
- Fixed bug #59985 (show normal warning text for OCI_NO_DATA) (Chris Jones)
- Fixed bug #60321 (ob_get_status(true) no longer returns an array when buffer is empty). (Pierrick)
- Fixed bug #60282 (Segfault when using ob_gzhandler() with open buffers). (Laruence)
- Fixed bug #60357 (__toString() method triggers E_NOTICE "Array to string conversion"). (Laruence)
SOAP extension:
- Added new SoapClient option "keep_alive". FR #60329. (Pierrick)
- Fixed bug #54682 (Tidy::diagnose() NULL pointer dereference). (Maksymilian Arciemowicz, Felipe)
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