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7 de Dezembro de 2009, 0:00 , por Software Livre Brasil - | Ninguém está seguindo este artigo ainda.
Mageia é um fork do Mandriva Linux, apoiada por uma organização sem fins lucrativos reconhecida e colaboradores eleitos. Mais do que apenas oferecer um sistema operacional livre, seguro, estável e sustentável, o objetivo é a criação de uma administração estável e confiável para orientar projetos colaborativos.

Este blog é alimentado pela comunidade aqui na rede e pelo feed do Planet Mageia English.

Mageia Blog (English) : Protect the Internet, say no to SOPA

18 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Mageia joins the anti-SOPA online strike this January 18.

What is SOPA? It’s a great legislation to bring if you want governments and corporations to decide what you can or cannot do and say on the Internet: state and corporate censorship. This article on why SOPA and Protect IP are bad ideas has a great summary about this.

Although SOPA and PIPA are US-only bills, they would deeply impact the Internet, worldwide, for individuals and organisations, on many levels. They may badly influence for similar, more local initiatives as well (although some countries did not wait for them, unfortunately).

This is serious. This is about outdated business models and practices that struggle to survive, at all costs for others to pay, instead of embracing change and struggling to reform. It’s the “back to the trees” mindset. It’s the reptilian brain against the neocortex.

We oppose the views behind these bills, we oppose the vision of the Internet and of society these bills come from and want to lead to.

Joining the demonstration is a small, puny, short step. We take this step. With thousands and thousands others.

Note: this strike will impact diversely on our Wiki, our blog and our main web site.

Mageia Blog (English) : Here comes Mageia 2 Alpha3!

12 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

The third development release, Mageia 2 Alpha3 is now available for tests. This is the last alpha version so we really need your input now.

More information on Alpha3:

Thanks to everyone for their hard work on Alpha 2 development and Alpha 3 first tests.

Note: Due to Dracut migration, live CDs upload will be delayed until end of next week. Work is in progress on draklive to fix this.

Mageia Blog (English) : Happy New Mageia Year!

10 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

Welcome back from the holidays! It seems like we’re all refreshed, we all had a great time and we’re all ready to dive into 2012 and make Mageia even better.

First up on the events calendar is FOSDEM.

FOSDEM is the Free and Open Source Developers’ European Meeting. It’s a 2-day conference held in Brussels, Belgium, and it’s to promote the widespread use of Free and Open Source software. Held every February for more than 10 years, it’s a major event for the free software enthusiast in Europe. Check out our FOSDEM planning page for 2012 here.

We were there last year for the first time as Mageia. Here’s our report.
This year we’ll be a little bit more visible at FOSDEM, because we’ve grown, so we hope it’s a bit easier to find us:

On the Mageia stand

Like last year, we have been granted a stand in the section dedicated to community projects, alongside other distributions such as Opensuse, Fedora, or projects like GNOME and KDE.

We will be there to answer to questions, present the project, showcase the new alpha 3 ISO, give away Live Mageia 1 CDS and to have a friendly chat with everybody who would like to share with us. Please do come and say hello if you have the occasion, between talks.

If you’re a Mageia person, we’d love to have your help – come and hand out CDs, tell people how you use Mageia, talk to other packagers and developers, or just get a picture taken with your favorite Mageia contributors!

Mageia-related talks

And again, like last year, we’re doing our part with the talks and sessions.

Our contributor Misc (Michael Scherer) will do a talk about the distribution, more precisely about the unified login setup that was set up by sysadmins. He will also participate in a round table about the subject of system administration of Linux distribution projects, to share and discuss ideas.

Several other talks are planned, like a cross distribution talk about local team, and there’s a proposal for a session called “Cross distro problem solving” that we might be part of. We’ll update the FOSDEM page on the wiki as we get more info.

Mageia General Assembly

Each year Mageia must hold a General Assembly, to elect replacement board members, give a financial report and do some other reporting, and to conduct other business as required.

We’ll be announcing the place, day and time of the Assembly once it’s fixed, as well as announcing the final agenda and the process for nominations and voting.

The Saturday Dinner at FOSDEM

We’re starting to put our names down on the list to have dinner on Saturday night. The list is on the wiki page – come join us!

How you can help at FOSDEM

  • Log into the wiki and go to the FOSDEM planning page.
  • Put your name down to help on the stand and contact the stand organiser – details are on the wiki page.

Come and join the fun!

Bruno Cornec : Migrating from KMail to Thunderbird: The revenge

8 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

After migrating 2 of my kids and my wife from Kmail to Thunderbird last year, I finally decided this week-end to finish the last migration for my first daughter on her Mageia distribution.

I previously made unsuccessful tries, as her environement was different, with many more subdirectories, and special chars, so it didn’t work with the previous version of the script.

Now with the revisions 1389 and 1390 of the script, I have successfully migrated her environment, without any manual intervention.

Hopefully, seeing the number of times the previous post was looked at, it will be again useful (even more now that it works better:-)) for others. I even clarified the license in revision 1391 for you to use more easily.

Happy migration !

Filed under: FLOSS Tagged: Internet, Linux, Mageia, Open Source, perl, Thunderbird

Bruno Cornec : MondoRescue 3.0.0 is now officially out

6 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00, por Software Livre Brasil - 0sem comentários ainda

To be honest the first packages appeared before Christmas as I was hoping to have everything ready as a gift ! But I met a certain number of issues trying to build all packages for the 99 different distributions I’m trying to build for ! This is due to my upgrade to Mageia 1 where the QEMU/KVM version proposed work differently from the previous Mandriva 2010.2 I was using.

Some i386 VMs are now freezing, so I had to find new correct parameters for them. Then autoconf wasn’t generating a correct content for all Mandrake/Mandriva build for mondo, so I had to call for these distro now %configure2_5 as a macro, instead of %configure.

And I still have some issues remaining, with busybox on SLES 9, Mandriva 2009.1, and RHEL 3, with some old SuSE (10.1-11.0) and old Asianux 2, RH 7.3/9, RHAS 2.1 … So gained at this occasion a new feature which consists in enumerating on the remote repo which packages have been built correctly or not. And chain the result to a sbx2vm option through the new –rebuild option, which will trigger the rebuild of all not correctly built packages. Very handy ! And will be used to finish publishing what is missing and still useful.

But I already delayed too much the delivery of that important evolution in the project life, so it was time to officially introduce MondoRescue 3.0.0 to the world !

And finally looking at all the modifications since latest stable, MondoRescue really deserve it’s 3.0.0 label ! I won’t be able to cope with the Linux kernel, now at 3.2, but hopefully you’ll find that new version usefull. It fixes a lot of issues brought recently on the mailing list. Remains to work on the Xen kernel support more precisely, but most of what I wanted to fix is in it, including OBDR fixes, RHEL 6.2 fixes, SSSTK ProLiant support improved, loop mount issues, bootable USB keys, mdadm support for metadata, a grub install fix among many others.

You’ll need to use mondo 3.0.0 with mindi 2.1.0 and mindi-busybox 1.18.5 to have a working environemnt as underlined on our Wiki.

And even if it’s a 3.0.0 number, I consider it stable and in the line of latest 2.2.9.x versions. I’d like to avoid copying my Red Hat friends with their .0 versions ;-)

Happy New Year and Disaster Recovery with MondoRescue !

Filed under: FLOSS Tagged: Linux, Mageia, Mandriva, Mondorescue, Open Source, packaging,

Tags deste artigo: mageia