Este blog é alimentado pela comunidade aqui na rede e pelo feed do Planet Mageia English.
Liberdade na Fronteira : KDE 4.8 Release Party in São Carlos – Brazil
3 de Fevereiro de 2012, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaIt happened in São Carlos, on January 27th, the KDE 4.8 Release Party – the second time in this city.
It was time to meet friends, drink some beers, talk about KDE, the life, the universe and everything, and of course, drink more beer. This time I had time to install the new version of KDE on Mageia (thanks mikala!), to allow those who had not seen the new version, could do a test drive.
The rain interfered a little, but attended four brave comrades to celebrate the work of the entire ecosystem of free software that is KDE.
Left to right: Daniel, Rodrigo, Vitor e Filipe
For me, KDE 4.8 release is more special because it is the first time that I have a large contribution of software being distributed with the project. This is the backend for Scilab in Cantor, a result of my work in the Google Summer of Code 2011, which finally came to you computer, KDErs. Thanks to Scilab team, especially to my mentor Sylvestre Ledru.
But that’s a topic to a future post.
Mageia Blog (English) : Scheduled servers downtime
30 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaWe are going to make some upgrades in our data center in Marseille from this Wednesday to Thursday (February 1st and 2nd).
As a consequence, some servers will be offline and the following services will be impacted for that period of time (likely unavailable): LDAP, build system, SVN repositories, Bugzilla (read-only), mail aliases, mailing-lists managed by sympa (, Wiki (read-only), forums (read-only)
So, expect not to be able to use our services for those two full days. This blog, the main Web site and other mailing-lists managed by mailman ( will still be available.
In the meantime, in our Marseille data center, 4 of our sysadmin team (dams, boklm, rtp and misc in this case) will do nothing less than:
- upgrade servers to Mageia 1,
- replace broken HDD (smart errors on 4 disks) with new brand WD RE4,
- add 1 SSD in each build node for packaging and add 2 HDD (raid1) for the system,
- install our ARM build system “homemade”: we will upload pictures of it,
- install a dedicated server for backups, fiona, with more than 3TB in raid5,
- install a dedicated server for QA and packagers: dual AMD 6-core, 32GB of RAM, 2x300GB (SAS 15k) in raid0 .
All hardware purchased thanks to what Mageia.Org received from so many donators.
Thank you again!
This is quite a short notice, we apologize for this. Thank you for your comprehension (and please spread the info to your list/team if relevant).
Bruno Cornec : Let’s meet at Fosdem 2012 in Brussels
30 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaI’ll attend Fosdem again this year next week-end in Brussels. I’ll deliver a talk on as a support for a Continuous Packaging cross Operating Systems development.
There are some news with the tool, and hopefully a new version, and some future evolution that I’d like to communicate. I also plan to present less slides, and have a more concrete demo to help people see the value of the approach.
While not presentting, I’ll probably be around near the Mageia booth or around my HP colleagues attending the event as well (Bdale Garbee, Martin Michlmayr, Hugo Roy). Don’t hesitate to come and chat !
Filed under: Event, FLOSS Tagged: Event, HP, HPLinux, Mageia, Open Source, perl,
Liberdade na Fronteira : KDE 4.8 on Cauldron
26 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaWizards, sorcerers, witches, shamans, pajés and other mystical creatures that are KDE and Linux users celebrate: KDE 4.8 is avaiable in Mageia Cauldron repositories!
Thanks to the work of John Balcaen (mikala), the main KDE packager on Mageia. Those who use the Cauldron, we invite you to install the new version of KDE to work on possible bugs that may come to appear. According to the roadmap, KDE 4.8 will be available in the next Mageia stable release, Mageia 2, which will be released on May 3. Mageia devs will work to give the community a desktop environment as stable as possible.
Mikala wrote an interesting post about technical questions related to KDE in Mageia. The reading is recommended to those interested.
John (mikala) Balcaen : KDE 4.8.0 on Mageia
26 de Janeiro de 2012, 0:00 - sem comentários aindaHello, It's been quite a long time (6 months) since the last blog update but still some months to go before Mageia 2 release. The initial proposition for Mageia 2 was to provide KDE 4.7.x but thanks to our roadmap we'll be able to provide KDE 4.8.x for the next mageia 2. So what [...]